DocuSign Governance Committee Structure


Charge: A self-appointed group representing different areas of the University who made the initial investment into the provisioning of an eSignature service at OSU. This group of advocates strongly influenced the goals, objectives, and direction for the use and deployment of this tool.

Membership: Michael Green (Interim VP for Finance and Administration), Lois Brooks (VP of Information Services and Chief Information Officer), Kent Kuo (Director, IS-Enterprise Computing Services), Scott Reed (VP of Outreach, Engagement, and University Extension), Lucas Turpin (Director of IT, College of Agriculture and University Extension), Donna Chastain (Director and Interim Chief Human Resources Officer), Patricia Snopkowski (Chief Audit Executive), Sam Khan (Senior Information Services Auditor), Jennifer Dennis (Dean, Graduate School), Linda Powell (Director of Shared Services), Dan Whitinger (Director of IT, OSU Foundation) 

Staff Liaisons: Brad Dennis, AABC/IS-ECS, Hollie Pitts, IS-ECS


Charge: The selection of a campus wide eSignature solution poses challenges with deployment and sustainability. The eSignature Investors Council (IC) has agreed to compose and charge an eSignature Steering Committee (SC) to work through:

  • The initial implementation issues (product configuration, access/role assignments and approval process, user training, and production code approval process)
  • Use case prioritization
  • The process to enable business process reengineering (BPR)

Committee composition:

  • Scott Emery (Office of the CIO, Co-Chair)
  • Bjorn Bulthuis (OSU Foundation, Co-Chair)
  • Russell Brown (Business Affairs, SIS AR Analyst)
  • Kim Clark* (Graduate School, IT Project Coordinator, Rotation Schedule: 1 Year)
  • Chad Cropley (Research Office, IT Consultant)
  • Brad Dennis* (DocuSign Product Manager, Rotation Schedule: 1 Year)
  • Leroy Fenn (Shared Services, HSBC Finance & Accounting Mgr 2 Years)
  • Steve Kimura (Institutional Analytics & Reporting)
  • Janet Knudson (Academic Units - administrative)
  • Adam Krynicki (OSU Cascades, Executive Director, Innovation Center)
  • Kelly Kozisek* (Chief Procurement Officer, Rotation Schedule: 1 Year)
  • Sheryl Powell (Statewide Services, Finance & Accounting Manager)
  • Andy Roberts* (University Infrastructure & Ops Admin, Director - Info Systems, Rotation Schedule: 2 Years)
  • Marianne Vydra (Intercollegiate Athletics, Deputy Director of Administration, Rotation Schedule: 1 Year)
  • Ben Wessel (Director of IT, Finance & Administration)

*Are also designated as University Area Administrators for the DocuSign Production Environment.

Meeting Schedule: Every two Months.

Staff Liaison: Hollie Pitts, Project Manager, IS-ECS

Other project staffing/resources: Lance Duddlesten (Data Integration, IS-ECS),  and other department subject matter experts as needed.

Committee commitment: Each member of the committee will serve one or two years on the Steering Committee, beginning September 1, 2016. This will allow a rotation of responsibilities and ensure a fresh perspective as this tool continues to deploy across the University. It will also allow for enough overlap to provide a base for passing along institutional knowledge and experience. Documentation will help solidify decisions that were made throughout, as a reference for new committee members.

Scope: OSU-wide, including the Corvallis, Bend and Newport campuses, extension and experiment stations, the OSU Alumni Association, and OSU Foundation.

Steering Committee Sub-Committees/Workgroups: The SC agreed to initially establish four subcommittees/workgroups (a sub-committee is expected to persist while a workgroup has an end objective and subsequently disbands). The first three sub-committees are: Business Process Re-engineering, Data Dictionary, and Operations. The workgroup is for Initial Configuration Settings. Each sub-committee and/or workgroup is chaired by someone on the SC and reports back to the SC as needed.

BPR Sub-Committee Membership: Brad Dennis (Co-Chair), Daniel Newhart (Co-Chair), Daniel Heidemeyer, Diana Lindsley, Tracey O'Brien, Lissa Perrone, Bjorn Bulthuis, Sheryl Powell, Hollie Pitts.

Purpose: refine the rules of engagement for which projects do/don’t need to undergo BPR. Review projects that fit the characteristics. Review/propose the process by which BPR is utilized. Identify BPR analyst resources from the LEAN program to model for DocuSign. Also look to augment an additional six individuals who will undergo LEAN BPR training to be available to all campus departments who want to create an electronic signature solution of a complex (multi-department) business process.

Meeting Schedule: Every month.

Data Dictionary Sub-Committee Membership: Diana Lindsley (Chair), John Henry, Ben Wessel, Brad Dennis, Hollie Pitts, Lance Duddlesten, Jose Cedeno, Daisy Clifton.

Purpose: define naming conventions for custom data tags within DocuSign. Ensure those are linked and documented to Banner ERP fields. Publish these custom tags in a “Box” subfolder for clear understanding and use in electronic documents, powerforms, and templates. Continue to grow this repository of data tags and test to ensure that there is an effective mechanism for this data to be consumed by DocuSign, Banner and/or other systems.

Meeting Schedule: As needed.

Operations Sub-Committee Membership: Brad Dennis (Chair), Diana Lindsley, Hollie Pitts.

Purpose: define the service level agreement (SLAs), escalation models, off-hour coverage expectations, integration with existing or developing service desk support models in IS or various college-based IT support desks. Help to ensure appropriate training materials are available, and how this is intuitively found on the DocuSign product web site.

Meeting Schedule: As needed.

Initial Configuration Settings Workgroup Membership: Dan Whitinger (Chair), Kent Kuo, Brad Dennis, Hollie Pitts.

Purpose: review all of the initial configuration settings. Decide which of these settings represent a “conversation” that needs to be escalated to the full SC. Look to establish as few “instances” as possible at the outset of the DocuSign deployment, but ensure the DEMO and PROD environments for each instance are setup the same way. Go over all of these settings with the full SC before disbanding the workgroup.

Task: Complete


  • Area Administrator role: To ensure an effective process for how to promote from the DocuSign development/test environment to OSU's DocuSign production environment, the SC has established a model where Area Administrators are charged with promoting documents/templates into the production environment. Note: any custom tags for data integrations to/from Banner ERP systems may only be promoted by Institutional Administrators (Kent Kuo, Brad Dennis, and/or Hollie Pitts). Area administrators can choose to promote other individuals as either "sender" or "administrator" in the development environment. However, only an Area Administrator will have a corresponding administrator account in the DocuSign production environment to upload that code into production and/or promote individuals to a "sender" role.
  • Sender: Can send DocuSign envelopes containing one or more documents that need to be signed.
  • Viewer role: Can only view and sign an electronic document that has been presented to them.