Qualtrics for Oregon State

Login to Qualtrics

OSU provides a campus-wide license for the Qualtrics survey system that is available to all faculty, staff and students. Qualtrics is an industry leading web-based survey system that offers a robust capability for building and distributing surveys and supports sophisticated data analysis tools. Features include:

  • Wizards with point and click interface to help build surveys
  • Library of surveys and questions to customize
  • Powerful survey mailer to track, remind and thank respondents
  • Pipe text and embed data
  • Triggers, quotas, quizzing
  • Branching and logics
  • Integrated graphics and statistical tools and ability to export data into Excel, SPSS, PDF, PowerPoint or Word
  • Collaborate and share surveys among users

Learn about using Qualtrics in a Canvas course.

How to Login

OSU Qualtrics uses your OSU account to login. To login to the system, click on the "Login to Qualtrics" button above. If you have not yet created a Qualtrics account, you will be prompted to do so. If you are logged into a Windows computer on OSU's network, Qualtrics will automatically log you in with those credentials. If you are prompted to enter your username, please enter it as one of the following:

[email protected]  -OR-  domain\username

If you are having trouble logging in, please contact the Service Desk for assistance.


How to Transfer Surveys to a New Owner

If you need to transfer your surveys to a new owner, please fill out this form.

Qualtrics Support & Training

For training and support related to Qualtrics, please visit Qualtrics Support. Additional information about Qualtrics can be found in the Service Catalog.