OSU provides a campus-wide license for the Qualtrics survey system that is available to all faculty, staff and students. Qualtrics is an industry leading web-based survey system that offers a robust capability for building and distributing surveys and supports sophisticated data analysis tools. Features include:
Learn about using Qualtrics in a Canvas course.
OSU Qualtrics uses your OSU account to login. To login to the system, click on the "Login to Qualtrics" button above. If you have not yet created a Qualtrics account, you will be prompted to do so. If you are logged into a Windows computer on OSU's network, Qualtrics will automatically log you in with those credentials. If you are prompted to enter your username, please enter it as one of the following:
[email protected] -OR- domain\username
If you are having trouble logging in, please contact the Service Desk for assistance.
If you need to transfer your surveys to a new owner, please fill out this form.
For training and support related to Qualtrics, please visit Qualtrics Support. Additional information about Qualtrics can be found in the Service Catalog.