All apps created for Box, including both those developed by Box and by third-party developers, are available for your use with Box at Oregon State University. A list of the apps available and supported in OSU's Box environment are listed below.
Desktop apps
Box Edit
Box Excel Online Previewer
Box for Office: Edit and share Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files easily (Windows).
Box for Office Online: Edit and share Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files easily
Box for Outlook: Send files using sharing links and save attachments
Box for Windows 10: allows you to access and share your content anywhere, anytime, on any Windows device.
Box for Windows 8: allows you to access and share your content anywhere, anytime, on any Windows device.
Box FTP Server: Offical Box FTP server: Requires FTP (SSL) connection
Box WebDav: Official Box WebDav
Box Sync for Mac & Windows: Sync desktop files to Box
Box Drive for Mac & Windows
Kumo Oregonstate: Cloud integration
Google Docs
Tablet apps
Box for iPad: Access, manage and share all of your content while on the go.
Box for Android Tablet: Access, manage and share all of your content while on the go.
Box for Android EMM: Access all your Box content directly from your phone, keeping you connected.
Google Docs
Cell phone apps
Office: Box for Office iOS integration
Office for Android: Box fro Office Android integration
Box Capture: Capture helps mobile workers quickly snap photos, videos or document scans and then upload and securely share them with Box
Box for iPhone: View, upload and share your files while you are on the go.
Box for Android: Access, manage and share all of your content while on the go.
Box for Windows Phone: Access, view, share and pin your content from anywhere.
Google Docs
You can find and install these apps in your Box account by going to For more information about Box apps check out the "What are Box Apps" on our FAQ page.
Yes, there are hundreds of apps available through Box's App marketplace. You may use any app you wish with your personal data. Apps listed in the Approved Apps list can be used with institutional data not classified as protected. However, before using any app not listed as approved it is important that you read and understand the following:
If you have an app you would like to use and you find that you cannot grant access to your Box account it is likely an unpublished app. In order to get it to work you will need to do several things before contacting the help desk: